Changing the way we look at the world
In this blog I focus on the design of creation, but may also include some stuff on bioethics and some general apologetics.  
Dinosaur eggs and nests 
Dinosaur eggs and nests are found the world over, but I will highlight two published reports on locations in Spain and Korea.  

How long did the flood last? 

Genesis chapter 7 verse 17 states that: 
The flood continued for forty days on the earth; the water increased and lifted up the ark so that it rose above the earth.  

 That seems to be quite straight forward! So why do most people talk about the “flood year”? 


The 12th of February has been designated International Darwin Day.

The mission of International Darwin Day is “to inspire people throughout the globe to reflect and act on the principles of intellectual bravery, perpetual curiosity, scientific thinking, and hunger for truth as embodied in Charles Darwin”.


Anomalous dinosaurs 
Dinosaurs are favourite creatures of many people of all ages and are used by the main-stream media to promote the theory of evolution. Every new dinosaur find is reported with great enthusiasm as yet more evidence for evolution. 


The appearance of design
Richard Dawkins, a tireless defender of evolution, once said something to the effect of: “when biologists see a living thing which appears to be designed they have to remind themselves that it only appears to be designed”. 


The end of the flood
The elephant in the room. 
The story goes that six blind men examined an elephant and came up with six very different descriptions of what an elephant is. Their observations were completely accurate, however, none of them accurately described the elephant.


Shape shifting dinosaurs

When is a Triceratops not a Triceratops?  
The answer is when it is a Torosaurus! It was once thought that Triceratops and Torosaurus were different creatures, but research published in 2010 caused a re-think. 


The problem with Cladistics
It has been a long time since I wrote a blog post. But I got the urge to write another when a few weeks ago I watched a fascinating video of a talk by Professor Richard Buggs (Professor of Evolutionary Genomics at Queen Mary University of London) about trees. The lecture was about trees of life and you can find it here.


Is Homo floresiensis is still living?

I have just read an opinion piece published on TheScientist website which has the title:  
“Opinion: Another Species of Hominin May Still Be Alive” click here to read it. 
This article discussed the possibility that Homo floresiensis is still living on the Indonesian island of Flores.


Tales about tails

I have been reading about some research which is claimed to provide a mechanism by which primates lost their tails (click here to read the paper). This is important for evolutionists who believe that our ancestors had tails.


Towards a creation model of dinosaur biogeography
I have not written much for this blog for a while and the reason is that I have been researching palaeobiogeography (the study of the geographic distribution of fossils). This is linked to the subject of my post about the break-up of the single continent (Pangaea) in the days of Peleg.


Metamorphosis in insects: a challenge to evolution 
Insects are fascinating creatures. Part of that fascination is the fact that many of them have a two-stage life; hatching from eggs as nymphs or larvae which then undergo a transformation to adults by the process of metamorphosis.  


In The days of Peleg

In this blog post I want to have a look at Genesis 10v25: 
Two sons were born to Eber: One was named Peleg, because in his time the earth was divided. 
Peleg (the great-great grandson of Shem) was born in 2247 BC, about a hundred years after the flood. 


Whale design - the big picture

In this post on the subject of whales I summarise my thoughts on whales and give a creationist view that is consistent with the evidence of design.


Life on Mars

This has been an exciting week for space geeks because NASA has successfully landed a new robot on Mars  

One of the stated aims is “searching for signs of past microbial life” in an ancient lakebed  
This is based on the belief that all it takes for life to appear is a rocky planet a bit like earth and water plus a few million years.